Biochemical Insight of Important Topics (BIO-IT)

BIO-IT is a web application consisting of 3 components, Titration Curves, Amino Acids and Peptide Bonds. Each of those components have been created with the help of tools and/or scripts from external sources. The main tool that is used to create this overall website is Bootstrap1

Titration Curves are created using JavaScript's library called D3JS2, which is rendering SVG's to display the graphs and the text-values. The images that are rendered for each state in a given titration curve are retrieved from PepDraw3 and modified to emphasize the protonation change for each stage. The information for each titration curve is stored in a JSON file which is retrieved when needed.

Amino Acids section of this application consists of flashcards whose functionality is based on Andrew's code4 on a forum post.

Peptide Bonds section of this application contains two further components, a) Generating peptide bonds from a string, and b) Testing your knowledge of the concepts of peptide bonds. The first component just generate the peptide sequence from the string given, with a condition that the string is valid amino acids. The images are retrieved from the peptide drawing script created by PepDraw3. The second component again randomly draws a peptide sequence and tests you on it.

1Bootstrap -- open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS
2D3JS -- D3 is a JavaScript library for visualizing data with HTML, SVG, and CSS
3PepDraw -- A tool to draw peptide primary structure and calculate theoretical properties 4Andrew's Post -- Used for the flashcards